Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

Maybe a silly question but here goes.... this method can be used for any type of bird then? We are very new chicken peoples... have our first batch of cornishX and layer gals as of seven weeks ago. The cornish are realllly eatin a lot more now that it is almost camp time and this might be a great option for those as well? How old is it ok to feed this way?
Hi all! The chick started feed I have is medicated. Can this still be fermented?
I have never done it bc I dot use medicated feed but I have read that yes, you can ferment medicated feed.
I've never read anything scientific however, as to whether the medication is compromised in any way from fermentation, so take the advice with a grain of salt.
Good luck!
Personally i wouldn't because the good bacteria could be effected by the medication or vice versa. But I don't think there's anything that says you can't, there's just nothing that says it's OK either.
Amprolium doesn't effect the ferment at all, I've done it plenty of times. Just be aware, that fermenting makes the amprolium ineffective, so keep an eye out for cocci symptoms.
What is the difference between up/Apple cider vinegar and store bought Apple cider vinegar. I would love to try this on my chickens and turkey's. I have read about the great benefits. I know I have this problem of understanding the English language but that is all I speak and read.

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