
5 Years
Apr 23, 2019
Good evening! I am wanting to ferment my chick feed. I have searched through multiple threads and looked online, but I just can’t find the answer. What ratio of water:feed do I use? And how much do I make at a time? What container do I use? And how much do I give them? Is it just like basic feed, do I just put it in the feeder and wait until it’s gone to refill or do I change it out daily?
there are various ways to do this; you could try several, and go with what works for you.
But in all cases use a plastic or ceramic container; metal can react with the ferment liquid, which is something you want to avoid.
A 1:1 ratio feed:water is common.
I wouldn't leave it lying around; put out as much as you think they'll need during the day and take away anything left when you shut them up for the night. You'll find they need less than unwetted feed, because there is less waste.
Good luck!
i make as much as they can eat in 2 days. 1 cup pellets to 1 cup water (but make sure there is an inch of water above the top of the 'porridge'). small handful of corn. stir it with a spoon at every feeding (usually 2x day). i put a little brine from homemade sauerkraut (lactobacillus) to start the ferment in the beginning.

it should smell wheaty and sour. little bubbles on top. if it smells bad, dump it. haven't had any problems so far though.

so far the best advantage i've found is they don't kick it everywhere like they do the pellets and the wild birds aren't interested in it.
Don’t ferment medicated chick feed if that’s what you have. If your chicks are very young they might not eat it. Start off with a small amount, 1cup feed, to see if they will eat it. If not, put it in the fridge and try again the following week.
I agree with doing just a cup to start to get them use to it. When I started I went the full three day ferment in 85 degree weather and they wouldn't touch it. It took me fermenting for a day, then two, and then three before they really jumped on the three day stuff.

I ferment in 4, 1 gallon ceramic crocks, the kind people leave on their counter to ferment cabbage.

I agree with everyone on liquid ammount, straining it was the chore that took me awhile to perfect. I drain the feed liquid into a bucket through an "almond milk bag" They are the bags you use to make almond milk, basically cheese cloth. I feed the fermented food and then rinse the crock, fill it back up with the liquid and new feed, plus more water. Move to the end of the line. Don't forget to stir the other two crocks. :D
And do I need to put a weight on the feed to keep it under water? Do I need to cover it with a tight lid or leave it open? I’m not using medicated feed. And I can just use water from my tap? It’s not like kombucha where I have to use filtered water?
And do I need to put a weight on the feed to keep it under water? Do I need to cover it with a tight lid or leave it open? I’m not using medicated feed. And I can just use water from my tap? It’s not like kombucha where I have to use filtered water?

No need to put a weight on it, the feed will stay under water unless it swells up/absorbs enough to basically puff up over the water level.

Do NOT cover tightly with a lid, the CO2 will build up inside the container and can explode the container. I simply leave it uncovered, unless having a fly issue, in which case I put cheesecloth over it.

I just use plain tap water. Good enough for me, good enough for the chickens.

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