Fence Height

I really like your chicken yard. What lucky birds! I would suggest that you either cover the bottom part of your door with plywood half the way up or use a stronger wire. The lab we have can easily go through chicken wire and I notice you said you have neighboring dogs. That's my two cents.
Nice run. I used 5' horse fence for mine, the Home Depot forgot to change their prices that week. My Blue Andalusians can still fly up to the top of it, if they figure it out. I didn't cover the top because it's directly under a very large tree. If I'd had the opportunity to buy 6' fence, I would have!!!!
not sure about the other ones, but I thought EE's were pretty good fliers. So I think you would need a 6 foot fence for them.

(I have 4, and a 4.5 or 5 foot fence, haven't lost one yet, but mine are young)
Yeah 6 foot it is!

I just watched Hoss the rooster go up over the fence, meander his way along the garden back to his corner where he jumped up onto the fence and snuggled in for the night against his tree. I pretended not to notice him then I snagged him off the fence and walked around carrying him, telling him stories of his home under construction and the hot chicks waiting in the house.

Today we got the new plywood floor down, the eaves have hardware cloth, the door has a bolt inside so I can keep the door closed while I am in there and a handle on the front.

I noticed how flimsy the chicken wire on the door is and I will remedy that.

I can't wait to get the girls out of the laundry room/ mud room...they are dusty!:eek:
I am reading this discussion because I anticipate needing to fence a free range area. We have coyotes in large numbers, the neighbors have dogs, and one neighbor is a chronic authority-caller.

I will have Buckeyes, RIR, and Buff Orpingtons, most likely...

Has anyone tried the kind of baffle that is used to keep cats in? Might this make it harder for the enterprising hen or rooster to fly to the top of the fence?


Look at the combination barrier that is illustrated mid-page.
i'm in a pickle...Leonard (my rooster) and the girls roam all over the place. The lots are 2-5 acres and I find them a mile away. Closest neighbor is now complaining because she picked up a stick and Leonard got a little defensive if you know what I mean. I want to put up an enclosure but am afraid they will somehow find a way out or fly over. From my readings I guess a six foot fence. I don't understand why they roam sooooo far?
I just bought a farm upstate New York and I'm thinking about building a fence to keep rats, raccoons, fox, cayotes and cats any ideas??
also, if you know how to convert a milk barn into a chicken coop, please let me know.

I was thinking of doing the same thing.I'm new to this chicken thing. My chicks will go to the coop next weekend. I was thinking a fenced chicken yard for free ranging would be a great idea, but it wont be able to be anything over about 4 feet. I'm mostly worried about my own dogs and was thinking it would be the first step to a true free range. (two of my dogs will be fine, but I have one that will require some training) I have three plymouth rocks (one white two barred) a RH Red, a Wyandotte, a BO, an Austrolorp, an Americauna and two silkies.

Will a 4 ft fence to any good at all? Does anyone clip their chickens wings? I used to do that to a cockatiel I had. Am concerned that it would make them helpless toward predators though.

Ugh. I dont want to keep them in their run all the time. But I'm getting rather protective toward these gals.

Horror though it is, roofing in the run will save you a great deal of heartache.

And theoretically, clipping their wings should work......

My chickens have never flown away from predators(as far as I have noticed) they tend to either run as fast as they can, or sit still and not move (sigh).

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