Female quail screaming w/ head out of cage.. WTF?


Oob Child

May 13, 2023
So, what is going on?? I was in my room when I heard a 'kerfuffle' iny quail cage.. I think Spot tripped over George or something, but then I heard a crazy screaming sound.

Ran to see what was happening and found my female quail, George, with her head sticking out of the top floor of her cage, screaming at the top of her lungs. Her mouth was open wide like a pelican, it was rather alarming.

She stopped after I started at her for a while. Came back a few minutes later and found her doing it again in the same spot. She's acting completely normal now. What happened?!? Why did she do this?? Is this even normal??

Age: about 10 weeks old
Sex: female
Colour: Silver
Breed: Jumbo

idk what is going on. Google has no idea either.
Can you get it on video?

How many quail are in the cage?

Sounds like she is scared....is another on chasing her or pecking her?
Can you get a picture of the cage...I don't understand what you mean by her having her head sticking out of the top.
I did get a video, but when I try to upload it it doesn't work.
The top of the cage has bars on a part of it that she stuck her head through. She does that when I give her a mealworm.

Maybe it was my little sister running past that set her off? I doubt she is getting picked on, as she's the dominant female.
There are only three females in the cage.
She only started doing it when another jumped over her while she was napping.

She hasn't done it again all night or this morning. At first I thought it was an egg call because she had laid an egg at around 4pm, but the egg definitely wasn't fertile.

Ps: I am going out today to get fake plants for them, as well as some containers/baskets to hide behind. I'm also going to get some toys, as they seem to enjoy playing with paper towels.
They love it when I put fresh paper towels down on the top level, playing and rolling around in them.
You would upload the video to YouTube then post the link here.

Your sister running past if she was rough might have caused her to panic. Egg song sounds like a soft whine. I'm not sure what you mean about the egg not being fertile? That has nothing to do with egg song.
You would upload the video to YouTube then post the link here.

Your sister running past if she was rough might have caused her to panic. Egg song sounds like a soft whine. I'm not sure what you mean about the egg not being fertile? That has nothing to do with egg song.
Ok.. I read it on an old forum on here.
She does do that, runs past the cage screaming about Nutella quite a bit. I swear she does it on purpose.

I'll try uploading it to YouTube
I hope this one works, in this video she is calming down, but when I walked in she was screaming at the top of her lungs. I'm working on putting measures in place to keep my sister out of the area.
You can try a decision tree chart and just go through her needs.

Food, water, shelter, health problem, safety...
Any injuries?
You can try isolating her?
You can check for... forget the term when some avians have an egg get stuck and can't get it out.
I did get a video, but when I try to upload it it doesn't work.
The top of the cage has bars on a part of it that she stuck her head through. She does that when I give her a mealworm.

Maybe it was my little sister running past that set her off? I doubt she is getting picked on, as she's the dominant female.
There are only three females in the cage.
She only started doing it when another jumped over her while she was napping.

She hasn't done it again all night or this morning. At first I thought it was an egg call because she had laid an egg at around 4pm, but the egg definitely wasn't fertile.View attachment 3593030
Ps: I am going out today to get fake plants for them, as well as some containers/baskets to hide behind. I'm also going to get some toys, as they seem to enjoy playing with paper towels.
They love it when I put fresh paper towels down on the top level, playing and rolling around in them.
"At first I thought it was an egg call because she had laid an egg at around 4pm, but the egg definitely wasn't fertile."

The egg call has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not the egg is fertile.

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