Feeding Wild Birds

And this is why I drive especially careful this time of year: As I came home from the club I saw a large buck running into the East edge of my property. I pulled in slowly and noticed a spike and a 5 point buck standing to the left. Suddenly the larger 7 point buck came running towards the drive. Huffing and puffing, I thought he was chasing the other two, but he fully ignored them. Came racing past my truck so close that I could have reached out and touched him. I did not see a doe, but I know what he had on his mind.
I haven't seen one Cardinal or Blue Jay since March anywhere. 🤔 We used to see them all summer getting rocks on the sides of the road, but the county keeps spraying weed poison now on those rocks.
I have never had Black Capped Chickadees here and a few of them have been regularly visiting my feeders for the last couple months.
My woodpeckers showed back up this week at the feeders.
Not one Wren this summer either.
I was so busy I didn't notice it at first until @sourland brought it up....
I wish, but I'm not even seeing them.

A lot of the migratory birds have left, but I'm not seeing Chickadees, Nuthatches, Cardinals, Blue Jays -----------
That's because they all migrated down here!!! 🤣 I have around 50 different male Cardinals, a few Chickadees, Waxwings, and Flickers coming into the feeding station.

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