Feeding Wild Birds

I have bluebirds nesting on property natural nests sites. No feeders up yet. I need to raise meal worms to feed them along with chickens for a natural protein supplement and treat. Next year 2 nest boxes go up for the blue birds, maybe 3 if I can keep them 300 feet apart.
The problem here is almost all the land here is wooded. Bluebirds like open fields right? We did have a pair raising babies in a wren box i built.
'White Bird' has completed a molt and is about 90% white - absolutely stunning when she is flying/banking on the air currents. A club member noticed her yesterday (how could you not). I'm not certain he believes that she is a red tail hawk. She is very human aware and does not let anyone get very close to her - GOOD.
The bird population both at home and at the club has dropped off dramatically. Feeders that I was filling daily now only need filling every three days or so. :idunno
Are they migrating for the winter?

So far we still have lots of small birds in our yard, but I haven’t heard or seen geese and we haven’t had any crows at all this year. I’ve seen just a few hawks, but no crows harassing them either. The wild pigeon herds are also much smaller, as though many died off over the summer.

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