Feeding Wild Birds

Not birds, but there is a large opossum that comes every evening to eat from the cat's dish. It's a distinctive silvery white color rather than gray. It was missing for a couple of nights, and appeared last night with what appears to be a significant wound/gash on it's right side. Is there anything other than a coyote or dog that would attack an opossum ?
Maybe males fighting for territory? Or coons?
I have now two nesting boxes with wood ducks in them. The one in the back started setting and the one up front has three eggs. It's something I do to put back for all the hunting I did long ago. I have another box by the creek, I think it needs to be moved nobody ever takes it.
Good job! I want to do the same but I'm afraid the hawks around her would get wood ducks. I had a pair nest on my property once and hawks wouldn't leave them alone.

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