Feeding Wild Birds

I never give my poultry scratch.
We did it growing up as a treat in the evening. And it works great if they are out and I need to get them to put back up quickly for some reason. They don't get it every day and I'm out now actually. I probably let them have it once or twice a week. Usually a two-cup scoop for every seven chickens. The ducks get a bit more because they are basically hoovers that crap everywhere so the chickens don't get a chance to get much in those pens.
Hi, I wanted to share this photo with you folks. Black squirrel with a red tail. I looked all ove town for the black squirrel with a half white tail but couldn't find her. I don't think she made it through the winter as people are always hitting with cars.


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Hi, I wanted to share this photo with you folks. Black squirrel with a red tail. I looked all ove town for the black squirrel with a half white tail but couldn't find her. I don't think she made it through the winter as people are always hitting with cars.
That is truly unique. I have seen black, red, white squirrels, but never one with a tail colored differently from the body. Thanks for posting the picture.

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