Feeding Wild Birds

Phoebe, I'm assuming the female, is busily constructing her nest. The male accompanies her on each trip to the nest, but brings no materials. Kestrel pair at the end of my road has returned.
What a bum! He's waiting for the only thing he has to help with I suppose.
What a bum! He's waiting for the only thing he has to help with I suppose.
Oh, I've already seen that happening. Generally he is very good about feeding her once she starts setting, and of course he feeds the young. It's amazing how rapidly they grow and fledge.
Oh, I've already seen that happening. Generally he is very good about feeding her once she starts setting, and of course he feeds the young. It's amazing how rapidly they grow and fledge.
The barn swallows here usually have 3-4 clutches over the summer depending on how hot it gets. The Phoebe nests where I can't see them on the house, but I usually notice one batch of babies.
Phoebe, I'm assuming the female, is busily constructing her nest. The male accompanies her on each trip to the nest, but brings no materials. Kestrel pair at the end of my road has returned.
A couple of days ago I saw the first Killdeer as I walked to the mailbox.

Later, I figured out why no birds were hanging around the feeder when I spotted a Kestrel preening in a nearby tree.
I've been seeing killdeer for a few weeks now, just not near my house. I saw the first cowbird at my feeder this afternoon. They don't usually hang out a lot so hopefully that doesn't change. The red winged blackbirds have cleared out and are spending their time up in the fields now. I mostly have Goldfinches hanging around now.
There's a pair of Candian geese nesting on a pond on the way to work. I can't wait to see them with the little ones in tow.
There are a pair that nest on our island every year, but flooding this year deposited a ton of sand and about 20 big dead trees. Which crushed the bushes that were growing there.
This is why I have no birds at the feeder.


I counted 7 different piles of Collared Dove feathers in the line of juniper trees. It is doing a good job. At one time last winter there were at least 100 Collared Doves hanging around. As late as two weeks ago there were 40. Today I haven't seen any. The evidence indicates that it had a robin for breakfast today.
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