Feeding Wild Birds

A first ever for me. Until today I had never seen a Chestnut-sided Warbler.

This little guy refused to cooperate. Every time he came out in the open, he would disappear before the camera could focus.
Common Yellowthroat

Yellow Warbler


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Just wonderful to see, thank you
What is the 'seed cake' in the feeder?
Just a cheap suet cake. That particular one is labeled a peanut blend. I stock up whenever Menard's has a good sale whatever happens to be the sale flavor.

I used to put out a syrup feeder for the orioles until I noticed that they appear to like suet cakes better. They will also work over a half an orange stuck on a nail.
Just a cheap suet cake. That particular one is labeled a peanut blend. I stock up whenever Menard's has a good sale whatever happens to be the sale flavor.

I used to put out a syrup feeder for the orioles until I noticed that they appear to like suet cakes better. They will also work over a half an orange stuck on a nail.
They also love grape jelly! We have two jelly feeders and one liquid feeder. I rarely if ever see them on the liquid feeder.
Well, they don't fly, and they're not birds, but the cicadas are here in full force. I have never seen an emergence like this. A maple tree in our back yard is completely encased in their pupal shells. I'm sort of amazed at the number of deformed/partially hatched cicadas. They are just starting to sing. As the temperature increases so will their mating calls. :barnie

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