Feeding Wild Birds

Anybody else subscribe to birds&blooms? I used to get lots of rags back in the day (pre inter web). This is the last one but I don’t see dropping it any time soon.

This months front cover is a Puffin. Would love to see one of these in the wild!

Have a good day all.
Yes , I got a subscription and sent Mom one as well.
Anybody else subscribe to birds&blooms? I used to get lots of rags back in the day (pre inter web). This is the last one but I don’t see dropping it any time soon.

This months front cover is a Puffin. Would love to see one of these in the wild!

Have a good day all.
My daughter went to Iceland for a couple weeks last year hiking to glaciers, hot springs and to the puffin colony.
I'm extremely proud of her. She's always off to a new adventure. Next week she's off to Peru for 2 weeks hiking the magnificent Salkantay trek to Machu Pichu that will take her nearly 14,000' on the way there.
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A male redwing blackbird has been frequenting my home bird feeder - he's early. Generally the males show up sometime next month with the females arriving a couple of weeks later.
I've watched for them but never had a redwing on a feeder here. I thought with their diet they would but they seem to prefer more open territory than my wooded place affords.
I've watched for them but never had a redwing on a feeder here. I thought with their diet they would but they seem to prefer more open territory than my wooded place affords.

They seem to prefer a grassland or swampland habitat. Here they will build their nests in hay fields or more frequently cat tails in swampy areas. They appear to be almost 'colony' breeders as many will use the same area for nest building and work together against cooper's and sharpshin hawks.
A male redwing blackbird has been frequenting my home bird feeder - he's early. Generally the males show up sometime next month with the females arriving a couple of weeks later.
Seriously? When they arrive here I know spring is here for good. They are my favorite bird. I love their song. We get quite a few here. I hope to see one very soon. :fl
We have noticed no shortage of the small birds that winter over here, I have yet to actually identify most of them but I know we have finches (they have red on their bibs and heads), juncos, sparrows, chickadees, and something I've not been able to identify that is almost all grey with some chestnut around the ears and a slight crest. Spring brings the Robins and we've had a few here already, which is very early for us, and we have mockingbirds, meadowlarks, and king birds every year who have not arrived yet, and then later hummingbirds. Early winter was mild but the last few weeks we've had snow and pretty cold temps, so the feeders are getting a workout.

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