Feeding raw peanuts to broilers


13 Years
Dec 15, 2007
I have access to tons of free shelled peanuts. I was wondering if I could feed broiler chickens peanuts? Do you think I could get away with just peanuts in their diet? They are high in protein and fats and they will be butchered in like 8 to 10 weeks so I don't care about long term.
NO. They grow so quickly that they really need a balanced diet to support that growth rate. They are already prone to health issues, you don't want to make it worse with nutrient deficiencies. Peanuts alone will not provide the needed nutrition for proper development. At best, they will be slow growers with severe joint deformities, if fed an inadequate diet.
NO. They grow so quickly that they really need a balanced diet to support that growth rate. They are already prone to health issues, you don't want to make it worse with nutrient deficiencies. Peanuts alone will not provide the needed nutrition for proper development. At best, they will be slow growers with severe joint deformities, if fed an inadequate diet.
X2. CX are best with an 18% diet from beginning to end. Also, I'd have to do the research, but I think, peanuts are one of those things that need to be roasted prior to feeding to birds.
Peanuts or goobers are toxic to chickens just like soybeans and all other Legumes. Toxic doesn't mean that your chickens will drop dead with a beak full of peanuts but that they don't sit well on your chickens' tummy. This is one reason that soybeans are first roasted, ground up, and the soybean oil is either pressed or chemically extracted from the bean meal before it can become chicken food. Also chickens are famous for shunning food that they don't like so you may have the devil to pay to get your birds to eat goober peas.

This is one of those rare cases where chicken biology parallels human biology. Let us know if you ever ate a bait of raw peanuts growing up LOL :sick and what the result was.
Peanuts or goobers are toxic to chickens just like soybeans and all other Legumes. Toxic doesn't mean that your chickens will drop dead with a beak full of peanuts but that they don't sit well on your chickens' tummy. This is one reason that soybeans are first roasted, ground up, and the soybean oil is either pressed or chemically extracted from the bean meal before it can become chicken food. Also chickens are famous for shunning food that they don't like so you may have the devil to pay to get your birds to eat goober peas.

This is one of those rare cases where chicken biology parallels human biology. Let us know if you ever ate a bait of raw peanuts growing up LOL :sick and what the result was.
My chickens actually love them my chickens use to go to the piles and eat on them.

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