Feeding chickens neocardina shrimp

Wow...I wish I could sell them here for $5.99 a piece! I even tried to give them to a lady who does aquarium set up and cleaning services - kind of a rent an aquarium set up, but she had no interest. 😔

Yeah, it requires a little bit of work up front, but I have found that since the initial trial and error everything kind of set into place. This is my tank - my husband and I built it. Currently running panda cories, oto cats, siamese algea eaters, amano shrimp, assassin snail, ember tetras and the dreaded neocardinas. hahaha
Nice looking tank!
Red cherry shrimp are about the size of a meal worm and sell for $5.00 EACH. It’s one heck of an expensive treat.
But not really, because the original five that cost me about $3 each have multiplied prolifically, so they really haven't cost me anything. Producing a profit - which I really don't care to do - is different than expense. :)

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