feed 20 percent from start to finish with broilers?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
ok-I have become confused again on what to feed day old broilers from start to 8 weeks later. can they have 20 percent start to finish? have NEVER raised broilers before. thanks:cool:
I recently asked this question too. I have 21% starter that I'm going to feed from start to two weeks before slaughter. Then I'll switch to a broiler finisher. Not quite sure what the finisher does yet but that's what the plan is this go around. I've also been told I can feed the starter from start to slaughter as well, so you should be alright.

Everyone has a different opinion on this, and there's no single correct answer. Personally, I feed the same 20% broiler feed from day one until butchering. I don't think switching up from starter, grower, and finisher makes much of a difference in 8 weeks, but that's just me- and I like to keep it simple. That way, I buy 1000 pounds of feed from the mill, and I'm done messing with buying food.
thank you jaku-thats the kind of answer I want(hopefully broilers will stay healthy tho) I like simple. its like with my dogs and cats- people micromanage feeding and all i want is a healthy animal and I get discounted Iams petfoods where I used to work so... anyhow- if you have done it successfully on starter only thats what I will try with.

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