Feathers missing at back of several chickens


In the Brooder
May 4, 2024
Okay so I am back in to chickens after taking a break and picked up 4 one-year-old hens from someone who had a pretty large flock (20-30).

We have had them now for 5 weeks. Pretty quickly I noticed that two started to have missing feathers on their back at the base of their tail. It is getting worse and one is even red, raw and missing all feathers. The other two maybe have a feather or two missing but nothing crazy.

They are on a premium layer feed, oyster shells always in coop. The coop is 8x10, the run is 20x20 they also get some free range time.

Egg production started good and has been down a little but one went broody. I was able to stop that so I’ll see if it goes back up.

Haven’t seen any creepy crawlies on them or the coop (at least not visible ones). I’m wondering if it is behavioral? I haven’t caught any feather plucking or eating.

Thanks for your help.


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Okay so I am back in to chickens after taking a break and picked up 4 one-year-old hens from someone who had a pretty large flock (20-30).

We have had them now for 5 weeks. Pretty quickly I noticed that two started to have missing feathers on their back at the base of their tail. It is getting worse and one is even red, raw and missing all feathers. The other two maybe have a feather or two missing but nothing crazy.

They are on a premium layer feed, oyster shells always in coop. The coop is 8x10, the run is 20x20 they also get some free range time.

Egg production started good and has been down a little but one went broody. I was able to stop that so I’ll see if it goes back up.

Haven’t seen any creepy crawlies on them or the coop (at least not visible ones). I’m wondering if it is behavioral? I haven’t caught any feather plucking or eating.

Thanks for your help.
Do you have any roosters? If so, it is from the rooster getting on top of them and scratching up their back.
If you don't have roosters, I would say it is from the others pecking at them. Chickens will groom one another and pluck out feathers from each other. I have the same problem with two of mine... When I notice bare backs, I keep chicken saddles on them (Purchased from amazon.) for several weeks (Or until the feathers are fully grown in.) and it works just fine.
I hope everything goes well!
Best wishes to you!
Do you have any roosters? If so, it is from the rooster getting on top of them and scratching up their back.
If you don't have roosters, I would say it is from the others pecking at them. Chickens will groom one another and pluck out feathers from each other. I have the same problem with two of mine... When I notice bare backs, I keep chicken saddles on them (Purchased from amazon.) for several weeks (Or until the feathers are fully grown in.) and it works just fine.
I hope everything goes well!
Best wishes to you!
No roosters! Four hens. I didn’t think to use a saddle to stop them from picking at themselves. Thanks for the reply!
Would help to see more of the skin if you can get another picture. Is that dirt they're rolling in or mites?
It seemed like dirt to me when I looked. I did see a little dirt caked at the base of a few feathers. Is that a sign of mites?

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