Feather problem


11 Years
Mar 7, 2011
Finger Lakes, NY
This is not an emergency, but certainly a curiosity to me, all thoughts/input welcome.

I have a RIR, she is 4 years old. Generally healthy, mid pecking order, no weight loss, eating/drinking fine. Her problem is her feathers. She has always looked a bit 'tatty', has been treated for lice, has non currently. She is finishing up her molt, so not at her best anyway, but her feathers are growing back looking somewhat like a frizzle! The ends of the feathers look like they have 'split ends', like she has no barbicels to hold them all together. I have thought about depluming mite, but can find no evidence.
She is the only bird to be looking like this - anyone with any ideas??
I'm not an expert about feather growth, but I have heard that fenbendazole (SafeGuard, Panacur) use for worming during a molt can cause problems with feather regrowth. Have you wormed her lately?
I'm not an expert about feather growth, but I have heard that fenbendazole (SafeGuard, Panacur) use for worming during a molt can cause problems with feather regrowth. Have you wormed her lately?

No I haven't. I try to worm them as infrequently as possible. She has had an area on one wing that looks like just the quill is there, nothing else. She has always been just 'a bubble off' so I'm wondering if it's just her, although she doesn't look happy right now.

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