Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

My buff orpington roo, Apricot is starting to crow he sounds like a dog!
After the, "Oh wait, he's a cockerel?!" and all that fuss, I was so proud when our Fernando started to crow! I would clap and congratulate him when he did it :D

Does anyone else do that, or just a first-time chicken momma?! :lau
After the, "Oh wait, he's a cockerel?!" and all that fuss, I was so proud when our Fernando started to crow! I would clap and congratulate him when he did it :D

Does anyone else do that, or just a first-time chicken momma?! :lau
I sort of do the same thing. When I hear one of my cockerels crow for the first time, I either proudly smile and give a little chin rub and/or laugh because it sounds so funny. ❤️ And then I floof their teeny cheeks. 😊
I just love listening to my girls' different voices. My Australorp sounds like a low tea kettle or like she's trying out for the choir. The Welsummer sounds hoarse and has a soft voice until she sings her egg song, then it sounds like she's being murdered. My RIR is the loudest and make sit seem like there are 20 chickens with her constant BAWK BAWK BAWK-ing. Then there's my Salmon Faverolles....she barks like a dog and will just stand there with her mouth wide open barking barking...but she also does this funny high-pitched sneeze sound, we'll just hear a sudden BEEP and there she'll be shaking her head. Cracks me up every time.:jumpy
I just love listening to my girls' different voices. My Australorp sounds like a low tea kettle or like she's trying out for the choir. The Welsummer sounds hoarse and has a soft voice until she sings her egg song, then it sounds like she's being murdered. My RIR is the loudest and make sit seem like there are 20 chickens with her constant BAWK BAWK BAWK-ing. Then there's my Salmon Faverolles....she barks like a dog and will just stand there with her mouth wide open barking barking...but she also does this funny high-pitched sneeze sound, we'll just hear a sudden BEEP and there she'll be shaking her head. Cracks me up every time.:jumpy
I'm still trying to remember ours voices. I can more or less point them out by actions than I can voices cause their not that noisy lol. The runt has a easy to distinguish voice but shes also the quietest unless I talk to her when shes alone lol.
I can always tell who's who from my hens egg songs! I remember telling a neighbor that once and she was in disbelief. I know everyone's clicks, clucks and alarms and cheeps! I had a senior barred rock who's song sounded like an old car getting started lol

Thats what I'm wondering XD It'll be to cold for shorts soon as snow starts building up so I'll find out then if its just the material or if its for attention. Shes our friendliest girl and doesn't mind being held which is why its hard to tell.

A hopping chicken! Maybe she thinks shes the easter bunny lol. I've seen a rooster hop and flap a few times but it was a rare sight and only lasted a few seconds lol I can only imagine a hopping hen going for some distance X

I have a hen who jumps up and pecks at my legs for attention. She loves to be picked up and cuddled… She learned to be gentler by me yelping and stepping away when she was too rough.
She also talks to me while I pet her - that’s one of my favorite sounds, the little bibbibbib they make when they talk to you. Every hen I feel actually has a relationship with me (not all do, some like to just stay away, unless there are treats), will talk to me like that, when I call their name or talk to them. It’s the sweetest sound.
I have a mixed flock of 6 girls. I'm fairly new to chickens (less than 3 years). I spend a lot of time with them and they bring me great joy. But my favorite thing they do is when they rush to snuggle with me when I lie down on the outdoor sofa. They will either cozy up on me or next to me and take naps or just hang out. So precious!


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