Fascinated so bare with me yaw'll (or is it "bear"?)

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
Sitting on the floor with my chicks (a feat in and of itself) I got to thinking . . . "I swear they look larger than when I brought them home . . . SATURDAY . . . :gig !" Could it be or am I tripping?

We are still at run away when Mom comes in stage so my pics aren't the best. I wish I could have snapped some of when I am simply looking at them. A beautiful sight.


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  • 6 Days Old a.jpg
    6 Days Old a.jpg
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Oh, there's definitely a difference visible in a few days' growth at this age. Once they get to eating properly, they grow faster than you'd think possible! Even the difference between the first to hatch and last to hatch in a brood incubated at home is radical, and that's generally only a day or two's difference!

Congrats on your new babies, by the way, and welcome to the world of chickening! ❤️ Enjoy them at this size while you can, because as you've already seen, they grow way too fast!
Chicks and kids are the fastest growing things on the planet! You blink and they've doubled :lol:

Catch and handle each of them every day if you want to make them pet/lap chickens. Catch them now while they are small and easy to catch... In just a couple of weeks that would be mission impossible! It may seem counter-intuitive, because they'll scream and act like you're murdering them, but they gotta learn. Soon they'll realize that being caught isn't deadly, they'll get desensitized to it, and won't think it's a big deal anymore. Reward them with some scrambled egg and soon they'll be all over you!

P.S. Yes, it's "bear" :D "Bare" is when their fluff falls out before the feathers catch up, and you end up with naked butt babies.

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