Falling Down Heights, my daily life

Your Favourites (breed and mix wise) from your current birds, and why :D ? (Obviously scovies because they're awesome)
Hmmm, hard to say right now. šŸ¤”

Pudding, my blue/silver Muscovy drake for sure. He's awesome.
Smudge, my Rouen mix duck, she was always a favourite since she hatched.
Mochi, my Buff Orpington duck she is soooooooo pretty.
Out of the chickens, probably Mopsy, a bym blue barred hen, and her daughter Sleven a dark Partridge?
Bunnies, there's my baby Techno, a silver-ticked doe, Orchid my Flemish Giant (supposedly, he's a bit small for it) seal-point buck, and probably my cinnamon FG mix buck.
I had to get some for a winter running club like 8 years ago. They worked decent, but I didn't like having to put them on and off all the time since they couldn't be worn on concrete, which is my basements floor
The detachable spikes, I gather? Yeah, it would be annoying.




Last one has the colouring of a California, so hoping she's purebred. She'll go well with my seal-point buck.
Today, we're having a TOTAL solar eclipse. Well, in my area it's *near* total, if I lived less than 2 hours south of here, it would be.

What I'm wondering is if it would affect the eyes of my ducks and chickens the same as ours, if they look up at it. Also will it freak them out for it to go totally dark outside in the middle of the day?

The eclipse should start in less than an hour, with full cover around 3:30 EST.
Today, we're having a TOTAL solar eclipse. Well, in my area it's *near* total, if I lived less than 2 hours south of here, it would be.

What I'm wondering is if it would affect the eyes of my ducks and chickens the same as ours, if they look up at it. Also will it freak them out for it to go totally dark outside in the middle of the day?

The eclipse should start in less than an hour, with full cover around 3:30 EST.
I've often wondered about eye damage and cataracts in birds that look into the sun. Here at 7,000 ft elevation, our UV is quite intense and cataracts in humans is incredibly common. (I need to have surgery done soon myself) However I've seen my birds staring and glaring into the sun and none of them have ever had eye damage or cataracts. Some of my oldest birds lived to 13 yrs old and never had eye trouble. Eclipses never seemed to bother them either other than they got a bit quiet during the dimmest part of it, possibly thinking night was coming.

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