Fairy Tail Farms English Orpingtons

Pics of the littles, not that great but hey, lol.


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That's how it always goes it seems
Lol, true...This would be the 3rd weekend in a row that I've had to delay my trip due to either bad weather and/or car problems. My engine's been misfiring since the last tune up it had cause my mechanic effed something up and I can't find whatever it is but I'm done waiting on him to fix it cause I was scheduled for today and he told me he was too damn busy to even look at it so I went someplace else and they're keeping my car there overnight. I'm hoping to have it back by tomorrow...I was going to leave tomorrow night but if the weather's shite then I might end up just staying home another weekend. Better to be safe than sorry.

And Colt, I went out to check on my broody hens tonight...Yup. One of them smashed an egg and was covered in yolk lol
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Pics of the littles, not that great but hey, lol.
Is the last cockerel a Splash?
And Colt, I went out to check on my broody hens tonight...Yup. One of them smashed an egg and was covered in yolk lol
I'd candle all their eggs tonight and pull anything that's clear or super early and get them down to 4 eggs. I find that's the golden number with the English Orps. I can give a Faverolle 14 eggs, and she'll hatch every one of them, but not an Orp.
Gotta love it when you get your car back from the shop and the check engine light pops up as you're driving home on the interstate. Back to the shop I went and now I'm just sitting here waiting patiently...Again.

A virtue in anyone.

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