Fairy Tail Farms English Orpingtons

Mad because they picked the hottest part of the year to go broody. Lol

Same. Real feel here was like 116 earlier? I waited until 8:30 p.m. to feed and water Monday and was outside until midnight. It’s just way too hot. I swore if we had a summer like last year I was going to sell a bunch. I just can’t handle the heat and neither can they.
We do what we can do for them❤️ but unless you sell them out of state they won't be going anywhere better than in your care 😊
I haven't lost any yet and still have both the black and chocolate chicks that I hatched from your eggs. They're doing well but terrified of the bigger chicks and adults.*

I will take some pics for you later.
Mine are still in the grow out coop but mingle most of the day with the 9 week olds and the bigs, I'm surprised how easy everything is going
Mine are still in the grow out coop but mingle most of the day with the 9 week olds and the bigs, I'm surprised how easy everything is going
When I put the 4 week olds out with the 10 week olds and aunty Judy I was worried I would have to find a way to separate them all. Turns out I just had to sit with them a few hours a day and be the angry hen.
It's hot here. That's for sure. My girls are P.O. and screaming anytime I go near them.
I've got a broody Black Orpington, Araucana, Mars Bar, and Call Duck. I'm not sure who is actually broody out of the Muscovy and the geese as they all take turns sitting on a nest of Muscovy eggs, but I'm hoping the co-parenting continues as there don't seem to be any arguments.

I moved the three broody chickens to cages with their nests, so I should have chicks from them in the next few weeks. At least in a cage, there's a lot of airflow, and they aren't in a metal nestbox in a barn. The Orpington is on BBS eggs, four if I remember correctly. I don't trust the Orps with more than that. They always seem to break them if they have more than 4-6. The Mars Bar is on Buttercup eggs. And the Araucana on her and her sisters.

I need to move chicks outside, but I don't have anywhere to put them at the moment. I think I'm going to move the older Muscovy Ducklings into the SLO pen until they are a little older and I trust them with their parents and the geese. There are a couple of young Chocolates in that tractor I'll toss in the Chocolate pen so long as they are big enough they can't squeeze through the chainlink. If not, I can let them mature a bit more in the SLO pen too. Those girls are the sweetest. They certainly can't go in the GLO pen. That Chocolate GLO from Papa's or Carolina Rare attacks chicks. :rolleyes:

The middle set of kids can go in the tractor once I've mulched it again, and I think I might combine them with the youngest set of babies. They are only a couple of weeks apart, and at the age they're at, that's pretty negligible. Having them all in one place makes it easier to keep them all fed and watered too. I think we're past the biblical flooding portion of the summer, so they should be safe from inclement weather. And with the hardware cloth, the snakes won't be a problem.
I'm worried about mine but they seem to be handling it alright because we have a good breeze. And yeah had two hatch out some and 3 where lost to the heat. Only the Ameraucanas seem to be taking it the worst.

Me too on the waiting till 8pm to do much out side. I tried more last Friday and got over heated and dehydrated in about 30 to 45 minutes. I get home and emeditly at lest do water.
Thankfully I don't have to water them every day. All of them have multiple 2, 3, or 5-gallon waterers, depending on how many birds are in the pen that are all in the shade of a tree or in the barn. Usually, a cursory look and grabbing eggs is all I can stomach to do until it's cooler.
We do what we can do for them❤️ but unless you sell them out of state they won't be going anywhere better than in your care 😊
That's true, but reducing the number was more the goal I was aiming for, like reducing down to two varieties of the Orps and keeping the other heat-tolerant breeds. Other people that have the time and willpower to kill themselves outside with them could have had the others. lol
When I put the 4 week olds out with the 10 week olds and aunty Judy I was worried I would have to find a way to separate them all. Turns out I just had to sit with them a few hours a day and be the angry hen.
I usually don't have many issues mixing babies. I was thoroughly surprised over the weekend when I tossed four young mixed cockerels (holding for a friend to give to another friend), a nearly year-old F1 Blue Silver-laced male, and Richard, my 2.5-year-old Black Mottled/Lavender Mottled male into the same pen with no bloodshed. I put them all on the roost together, and they've done just fine. Not one hackle has been raised.
Oh they have 3 two gal waterers in one pen, the other only 1 two gal. That pen with the one gets let out at 7am and they have low water tanks. I over rn the tanks when I get home with cool water so they get some relief from the heat @ 3:30pm.
I'm tempted to turn the sprinkler on them for a bit this evening, but that means I'll be outside and feel obligated to shovel, haul, and spread wood chips.

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