Fairy Tail Farms English Orpingtons

Close up of chocolate chick:

How far along are the eggs I sent you, @ColtHandorf?
I think they are just wrapping up hatching. I know I got two little Lavenders for sure. Most of the chicks seemed to be Black. I didn't set any BBS with them to avoid confusion, but I hatched a lot of Araucana who are mostly black too. So I'll have to actually sort them and see who's who, when I've got the time. I haven't lately with all the roommate drama and everything going on at the house.
And how are the hosta plants doing?
The hostas are doing well. The four plants of the smaller varieties are putting out new leaves. The two of the larger variety haven't put out any new leaves that I've noticed. One is doing super good, and the other one has been nibbled on. I'm not sure if it's a slug or a grasshopper, but It's missing a lot of leaves. Whatever has been eating on it seems to have stopped because it hasn't gotten any worse looking in a little over a week. I know everything thinks hostas are tasty, so I'm not sure what small things would be eating on it.

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