Fairy Tail Farms English Orpingtons

Yep. Gotta build the pens before you get the birds.
Pens and some tweaking of the old duck barn.

It needs more ventilation and a bolstering of one leg before I get more chickens. But besides those two things I love it for my birds, it's always warm in the cold months so my birds haven't ever had frostbite.
The side of it is great for keeping waterers away from the sun, and feeders from the rain. Plus the chickens like to chill there and dusbathe.

I definitely bought birds before we even officially moved to the house.
Same, I had goats before I was even fully moved out of the city. I always end up with animals before I'm ready for them. Just yesterday some neighbors came and gave me their orpingtons because they were being killed by predators, and I had finally gotten down to just my two pets and the silkies😩.
@ColtHandorf ,

Can orps handle themselves in a aggressive flock that are different breeds? Just curious.
Mine have been with Ameraucana, Araucana, Sicilian Buttercups, Easter Eggers, Black Copper Marans, Mars Bars, Bourbon Red Turkeys, Blue Slate Turkeys, Muscovy Ducks, Buff and Blue American Geese, Grey Saddleback Pomeranian Geese, Khaki Campbell Ducks, and Salmon Faverolles. I'm sure I forget some other breeds I've had them with, but I can think of those off the top of my head.
👀 What kind? Barf Orflingtons?
They're actually kinda pretty imao. Not my favorite breed, but these ladies are easy on the eyes, not skinny or washed out, plumpy and brilliantly orange with great sheen, they're not as floofy as an English Orp but they aren't vaccum sealed in bland feathers either. They'll just be part of my pet flock.
Hopefully, by the spring, I'll be able to get everyone sorted and be able to offer most of the varieties at the same time. Right now, I can't do all the colors or breeds at the same time.

I'm sure I could smuggle some eggs over if I flew in person. lol I need to visit the UK at some point in my life anyway.

Shop til you drop!

Thank you! I do have some really nice-looking birds. But then I've got some that need work, like the Bantam Orps.

Thank you! And I'm
All By Myself GIF by Celine Dion
Nobody helps me with them. I just do what I can and build what I'm able as I can afford it to keep offering quality birds to interested parties.

poke squeeze GIF

Everyone loves a fat bottom. Even the Leghorn lovers like @Chookwagn. :D

@Overo Mare, if you get you know who to take some pictures, I can make a catalog for him too.
You're asking for a miracle.

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