Failure To Thrive At 3-4 Weeks


5 Years
Feb 20, 2019
SW Oregon
I have ten chicks at the moment that hatched right around April 3rd. One of them is acting in a concerning manner and doesn't seem to be getting better. I originally noticed her looking quite puffed up and not hanging out with the others last weekend. Since I have experienced having chicks with Coccidiosis before, and the timing lined up with about a week after being moved into a bin that has been used by previous flocks (last time was about two years ago, I think), I started the flock on Corid last Sunday. The first bottle was expired by six months, but we were able to start a fresh bottle on Monday. She has shown no improvement, has gotten a bit worse I think, actually. A day or two ago I noticed that she is actually significantly smaller than the others, and I doubt it is Cocci at all. I think at this point I am going to need to separate her and one of the other calmer chicks into a separate bin because she is getting trampled and jumped on while the others are going at each other establishing their pecking order (I haven't witnessed any of them go after her directly, they seem to ignore her). My main question is this: should I stop the Corid early, or continue treatment even though it is looking less like Cocci? The feed I bought them is supposed to have supplements in it, but should I go ahead and give her additional supplements anyway?
Thanks for your help!
Make sure your Corid is given at proper dosage and yes I would continue supplements for this chick
Thank you for your response. The chick died shortly after I separated it from the rest, unfortunately. I do feel a bit bad I didn’t realize its size difference earlier; I may have treated it differently.

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