Ezri, the photobombing chicken.


7 Years
Jan 14, 2013
Montevallo, AL
This is Ezri, she's currently 7 weeks old. She's a white Plymouth rock and generally speaking just a plain bird. She never really stood out, she was shy and reluctant to come out when she was just a chick. The other chickens sort of pushed her around. Until today...

Today I noticed something, and I had not noticed it before. But Ezri has a knack of trying to be in EVERY picture I take. After looking back, I have maybe 10 pictures without SOME body part of Ezri in it. This, in modern slang, is called photobombing, and Ezri has an uncanny knack for it.

Baby Ezri, and some flock mates:

Ezri at 4 and 5 weeks.. look closely in the pet carrier:

And at 6 weeks...

Still not convinced?

Getting there?

She is in EVERY picture I took today! In various areas of the coop.... preferably blocking me from taking pictures of the rooster. The same rooster she's blocking in the picture as a day old chick
Mind you, this is still the most shy chicken I have. She does not come out for treats or anything. She doesn't like to be held. But get out a camera and she's game, apparently.

I had an adorable rooster who looked like a penguin (Named Gwin until we realized it was a roo) that always had to stick his face into the camera xD

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I love it photobombing chicken! Did anyone see the picture of the photobombing sting ray online? Two ladies in the water and this great big sting ray pops up behind them? lol!
Hahahaha, I have a chicken like that. Every time I get the camera out, she is right there in front of it. In my profile pic, I was trying to get some good pics of my cat, but she decided she wanted her picture taken too.
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