Eye injury from drake


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2023
Hey everyone,

My largest Pekin duck got a little too much attention from my khaki and he but her eye, it's swollen pretty good and is now starting to get a little foamy. It didn't have foam last night, just the swelling. I have been irritating it since I noticed it swelling with home made saline with a little golden seal and eccinacia as well as vetrx using a dropper. She is doing ok but shaking her head a lot which I can imagine is because of the injury. I'm going to go get some Terramycin to put on it today as well. Is there anything else I should be doing, suck as putting something in her drench deep bowl to help hasten the recovery? She is currently with the rest of the flock but I am going to isolate her once I can get my duck icu set up. But I also was wondering how long should I isolate? Should I do it just until the swelling goes away and I do always make sure they have clean fresh water to drench in that I change typically at least twice a day.
the terramycin - twice a day i think- and deep clean water - plus keeping the drake away from her- is all good, i can’t really think of anything else.
the terramycin - twice a day i think- and deep clean water - plus keeping the drake away from her- is all good, i can’t really think of anything else.
Awesome, Thank you Jenbirdee! Is there anything I can put on to reduce the swelling? I don't think she would appreciate an ice pack lol

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