Eye color genetics


Advocate of Shiloh
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
Nov 8, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I need to know more about eye color genetics. If anyone knows anything about eye color genetics post it here. I don't care if it is redundant information. This is the information I found after many internet searches. I can't find any more.
Gene names would be great to add.
Bk+dominant sex linked
bk recessive sex linked black
Pk+ dominant
pk recessive pink eyes
Green+* green eye inhibitor- dominant
green* green eyes- recessive.
Pearl+* pearl eye inhibitor-dominant
pearl* pearl eyes- recessive.
*fictitious genotypes.
***id+/id+ can darken they color of an eye. E/E and ER/ER can also. Patterns such as barring can dilute it.***

Any ideas on what you get with pearl dark brown eyes or something like that welcome.

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