Expertise needed, Please

chicks rule

12 Years
Apr 10, 2007
Will someone please explain the differences between the Barred Rocks, Dominiques, and Cuckoo Marans, (I think) I have barred chickens some lighter in color than others and some with pinkish legs and some with yellowish legs with shadowing down the front of the legs and feet. I try looking at the pics on Feathersite, but, still confused. Thanks
Barred Rocks have yellow legs with some dark shadowing, more so on the hens, and a single comb.
Dominiques have yellow legs, less distinct barring usually, and a rose comb instead of a single comb.
Cuckoo Marans have pinky white legs and a single comb.
Does that help any?
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Yep, So I have Barred Rocks and I believe from your description a few Cuckoo Marans, are the Marans also lighter in color than the BR's or is that a he/she thing? I was hoping you would see this, Thank you!!!
I don't think in general that Marans are lighter in color; usually the roosters are lighter-looking due to the white bars being wider, making them appear more silvery. However, from personal experience, they dont always follow the rules and you will get a dark rooster or a light hen.
Thanks Speckled Hen, I have a couple that are more silvery than black, not looking like Roos, yet though. Guess I will wait and see, Thanks again.
Thought I'd show you an example of what I mean. See these two Barred Rocks? Color differences? Here, they are ten weeks old. BOTH are pullets. Lexie was a rule breaker, LOL.
Speckled Hen,

I ordered Dominiques from My Pet Chicken. My girls don't have yellow legs. Their legs look just like the ones in your picture. They're only 9 weeks old, so no combs yet.

Hmmmmmm. Did I get Barred Rocks?
The ones in the picture are yellow with the black wash down the front. If they were cockerels, the legs would have less dark on the front, but these are still yellow legs. You probably did get Doms-check the comb out and see if it's a single or a rose comb.
Some of mine are like the closest one in the picture, the others are lighter than that. Will have to check tomorrow for the wash on their feet and legs, some have it some don't. Will have to see which the lighter ones have on their legs. Thanks for that pic it really helped.

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