
I never had any trouble at all with mine and other animals. I suppose it just depends on how they are raised. This one had clearly always been a pet. It also loved to be sprayed with the water hose. I had forgotten about that. I'd love to have another. It's by far the most missed animal we've ever had.
We have 2 emus we raised as babies. We taught them at a young age to be around the other animals. I let the chickens & peacocks chase them so the emu's would remember who was boss. LOL Now the Emu's tower over them but my hens will still jump up to peck them in the nose, and they respect her! My turkey hen herds them around all day. The emus will chase the cats and will attack the dog if they think i'm in trouble,but if I pet the dogs they will come up and start grooming them. They do love the water. They will jump in the water trough to cool down and forget cleaning it out without spraying them down first! I love watching them run and love the emu neck hugs I get. I always have a long shadow following mee around the yard, and they love to get into everything!

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