
Mar 11, 2024
My chicken is a little over a year old And i'm not sure if she is late before, but she is kind of shaky, falling asleep a lot standing up, It looks like her vent is bulged out some and contracting, She keeps leaning to one side, she's not really moving a whole lot but she's still standing up, not really lethargic, and She is kind of getting Hard around the area of the abdomen. I think she may be egg bound, but i'm not sure. I have given her some vitamin drops with a warm bath.
And I used oil on her butt and i've been massaging the area. Can somebody please help me?
Keep it up. That sounds like egg binding. I'm not an expert, but it sounds severe. Egg bound chickens have 24 to 48 hours before they could die.
I have had a hen that has been egg bound, as I am sure many people on here have, so I am sure you will get great advice, but I will tell you what worked for me.
I quarantined my hen when I found her (At the time I did not know what was wrong.) After bringing her in I gave her a warm epsom salt bath for as long as she wanted to stay in there. I done that twice in one day. I also syringe fed her some oil (Mostly because I was thinking she was impacted, but she was egg bound.) and tried to make sure she would eat and drink. I kept her in a dark area and just kept checking on her. The next morning she popped her egg out and was back to 100% and haven't had a problem since, knock on wood!
When was her last egg? How do her poops look? And has her crop been emptying - it should be flat in the mornings.

I recommend giving her some calcium plus D3 for egg binding. It will help stimulate contractions for stuck eggs. You can pick this up at most grocery stores. Give about 600mg per day. You can just gently pull down on her wattles and pop the pills in her beak. Here is what I use:
for these particular ones, I have to give one and a half to get to 600mg.

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