

13 Years
May 6, 2011
Is this an u absorbed yolk? It isn't liquid filled as far as I can tell. I think the white stuck to it is poo? It seems like it's hard boiled yolk.

Anything I can do??

Also, I can't put it with others until this is resolved. Can I take water out of incubator and use as a brooder? Or divide other brooder?

So it looks smaller this morning, but not gone.

Situation is we are camping in an rv. These eggs were under broody hen until 2 days ago when she abandoned nest. I don't have anything I can set up a spare brooder. I'm using an exoglow for the two healthy chicks and can't figure out a way to divide the brooder

I am nervous about leaving her in the incubator any longer. Afraid she will
Get too hot and has no where to go. Also, the food and water thing will
Need to
Be addressed soon.

Poop is pasted on it. I've been soaking and trying to get it off, but it's not perfect.

Any ideas??
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