Emergency - Baby chick with (Fermented feed?) stuck in nose and possibly infected


Apr 30, 2022
Day before yesterday (possibly the day before that) I noticed my baby polish chick was acting weird (eyes half open), I feared it didn't have enough water so I filled the waterer with sugar water. Then later on I noticed one side of it's nose had stuff in it. I washed off what I could (I did not submerge the chick, I wet my hand continuously). The nostril was much cleaner but still stuffed but I thought I might come out with the chick drank so I put it back in the brooder, I was wrong. Yesterday I tried again and even used a new soft toothbrush but it didn't work. I also noticed the beck has a red spot (blood spot?) and 1-2 black spots. Am I able to help it? DO I have to cull it? The chick looks like it's suffering so I want what's best of it. Help is greatly appreciated.

P.S. I removed the fermented feed and gave them dry again.
Can you post pictures of it?
I'm sorry for not posting photos yesterday, it was a very busy day and I tried taking them with my laptop but the images are not clear. I plan to do so today with a phone. The chick is looking more alive today which gives me hope. It still has a scab and possibly something else in it's nose but is a tiny bit cleaner. I plan to post images later today.
Can you post pictures of it?
I'm legitimately sorry for not posting photos yet. It has been very busy here. I am planning to take new photos of my polish chick today. It is looking much better! It's nose/beak is still hurt and I will share images so you can give me your opinion on what I should do but I doubt it is going to die now of which I'm very thankful for. It (she?) is a very sweet chick.

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