Electric Fence Basics

An extension of the snow issue is if an animal....say a fox... is standing on pure or fresh snow, he may be insulated from the ground, and thus not get much of a shock, if any at all. So effectiveness of an e-fence may drop off during periods when there is heavy, fresh snow on the ground.
Rain. NOTHING. Its like urinating on an electric fence - unless you are close enough to lick the fence, surface tension causes the stream to break into droplets. Those air gaps between the droplets are high resistance - an air gap - and the charge can't find its way to ground.

When the water is falling from 10,000 feet, its well formed into droplets. Only issue is if you have a solid stream of water running down your posts -- and that's only a problem if you didn't use insulators.

As to snow??? Not in my experience, I will leave the query to others. Rain, though? Rain I know. Welcome and well met from sunny Florida.

Urinating on an electric fence...

Is that some kind of college initiation thing?

I could totally picture that as some kind of college hazing ritual to make a bunch of guys do that.

What if some of the water pools around the fence posts while its raining?
Wouldn't work on people....at least those with access to cutting tools. People are smart enough to figure it out and either cut the wire or go to the source and kill power to the charger. OTOH, we occasionally hear about the ill-prepared odd dim bulb who tries to cut a live high voltage wire.....like on an irrigation pivot.....to steal the copper wire. Turns them into crispy critters. Instant justice.
Wouldn't work on people....at least those with access to cutting tools. People are smart enough to figure it out and either cut the wire or go to the source and kill power to the charger. OTOH, we occasionally hear about the ill-prepared odd dim bulb who tries to cut a live high voltage wire.....like on an irrigation pivot.....to steal the copper wire. Turns them into crispy critters. Instant justice.

Wow that's interesting.

I have heard about people stealing copper wire from building sites to pay for their meth and drugs.
Urinating on an electric fence...

Is that some kind of college initiation thing?

I could totally picture that as some kind of college hazing ritual to make a bunch of guys do that.

What if some of the water pools around the fence posts while its raining?

Something I saw on Mythbusters, actually. I didn't do great in my College Intro to Electrical Engineering (semester I met the woman I've been married to, now 25 years), but I was much smarter than those performing pranks for their practical lab experience.

Text Summary of Episode (Near Bottom)

Video - Nat Geo UK

I find that vibrant imagery and outrageous examples helps people to remember.
Something I saw on Mythbusters, actually. I didn't do great in my College Intro to Electrical Engineering (semester I met the woman I've been married to, now 25 years), but I was much smarter than those performing pranks for their practical lab experience.

Text Summary of Episode (Near Bottom)

Video - Nat Geo UK

I find that vibrant imagery and outrageous examples helps people to remember.
tell us about your pekings. You have 7 of them?

Curious how their laying ability matches up with what they say they are supposed to do? And how their temperament is?
Great thread. Thank you!

As a teenaged camp counsellor we explored a nearby barn one night. One of the guys peed on the electric fence, and yes, was zapped. He was only about a foot away (all stream and no spray at that distance) and standing in tall wet grass...

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