Eight-year old Welsummer with possible gout


Premium Feather Member
14 Years
Dec 11, 2009
Colorado Rockies
Millie has had a painful right foot for a year now. I've tried aspirin therapy, B-complex, even cannabis salve, but nothing seems to make a difference other than the aspirin for temporary pain relief. There is no swelling along the shank. Her toes may be very slightly swollen on the affected foot, but not enough to contrast strongly with her unaffected foot.

Yesterday, I was cleaning some poop off her right foot and her toes were tightly curled. When I straightened them out, I felt a "crinkling" in each toe as I moved the tips at the very end near the nails. Urate crystals probably?

So, I'm sending out a "bat signal" to @dawg53 since I can never get the BYC search to work for me. This thread is for you @dawg53 . How would you treat this hen?
It's difficult to treat gout in poultry. The older they get, the less treatable it becomes due to the damage it causes. Reasons for gout vary; excess protein and/or calcium in the diet, a deficiency in vitamin A...the list is long.
I recommend that you provide comfort care for Millie along with the aspirin. Warm water soaks help alot.
I have a 4 year old rooster that has gout in his right foot and he hobbles along just fine but I know his foot is hurting. He loves the warm water soaks and falls to sleep while soaking.
@dawg53 that's about what I was thinking. The aspirin does seem to give temporary relief, and she isn't as depressed acting on it. I was going to give vitamin A a try as soon as I can get down to town. I also planned on trying soaking. She's still laying occasionally, and I would hate to resort to euthanasia at this time.

I'll report on her progress, such as it may be. Thanks for the input.
I have not seen gout in my chickens fortunately, but some who have dealt with it have tried sour cherry extract which some humans use as well. I remember one person saying they used 2 capsules daily, and their chicken seemed to feel better. Do you have any pictures of the feet? Do the toes have a lumpy appearance?
I can get photos of the feet, but I doubt anyone will be able to see any difference. There is one mid-joint on a middle toe that appears slightly larger than the others. When I move the tips of her toes on the right foot, I feel a crinkling like there's cellophane inside them. I see no difference in the outer foot from the other one for the most part, except that Millie favors it like it is the source of considerable pain.

I will try the sour cherry extract.
The right foot is the affected one. Notice she curls her toes and the middle one is the most noticeably swollen.

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