Eggshells and sunshine


Free Ranging
Jul 31, 2021
SE Michigan
I've been digging into member's posts on weak egg shells, and browsing articles on the internet ~ and decided I could be part of the problem with our weak egg shell issue. My girls are mostly confined to a covered run, and earlier this summer I put up shade cloth, to help keep them cool. It did do that, but perhaps to the detriment of their vitamin D levels.

They have a chunnel that they use pretty regularly (some more than others), that has sun exposure - but they don't often sunbathe in it. I'm hoping that the extra sun in the run, along with some nutri-drench, will help - if a vitamin D deficiency is contributing to the problem. We're already offering several forms of calcium. And yes - there are other issues in play with a couple of my girls that I've mentioned in other posts.

So I pulled down the south-facing shade cloth. It was nasty-dusty, so I cleaned it, and stored it. I decided it was a good time to clean the run and coop, as well. I hosed the run down, top to bottom (we have a sand floor with awesome drainage) while the girls puttered around the yard. Then I donned my dust- protection gear, and used my leaf blower to blow the coop out - top to almost bottom (sand floor here, too). My coop is divided into 2 parts. Housing for the girls in about 2/3 of it, and chicken equipment storage in the remaining 3rd. Between is a partition that is 1/2 wall and half hardware cloth - so the storage side gets just as dusty as the housing side. I had to remove a lot of things, to employ the leaf blower. Then I got out my coop cleaning spray and bucket of water, and wiped down the surfaces. Man, that's a nasty job! But, it's done - and we should be good for a good stretch of time.

Now we wait and see if our egg shells improve - not to mention safeguarding them from other vitamin D deficiency conditions. I hope I'm on the right track. The days are shortening, so I hope they will have time to replenish their vitamin D stores. Michigan is gray from November until May.
How old are your hens? What are you feeding?

Many hens start to run out of calcium this time of year, and eggshells can get brother. They will pull it out of their bones if they aren't getting enough from their diet.

They will replenish it over their winter rest when they take time off from laying, and they molt. If the diet is inadequate they can't replenish all their reserves.

Not sure how much vitamin d plays into the making of egg shells, so I can't say. Some amount of sunlight is good for them.

Always provide oyster shells free choice. Even if they aren't laying. They will eat them as they need them. Eggshells are an okay supplement, but aren't a replacement for oyster shells.
How old are your hens? What are you feeding?

Many hens start to run out of calcium this time of year, and eggshells can get brother. They will pull it out of their bones if they aren't getting enough from their diet.

They will replenish it over their winter rest when they take time off from laying, and they molt. If the diet is inadequate they can't replenish all their reserves.

Not sure how much vitamin d plays into the making of egg shells, so I can't say. Some amount of sunlight is good for them.

Always provide oyster shells free choice. Even if they aren't laying. They will eat them as they need them. Eggshells are an okay supplement, but aren't a replacement for oyster shells.
I have 4 girls who are 2 years old, and 4 girls who are a year old.
They are fed Kalmbach non-GMO layer pellets. Actually, it was a Kalmbach article that had me considering vitamin D. I offer crushed oyster shell along with flaked oyster shell and eggshells on the side. Lots of options. One girl has been through a molt, so far. I may be wrong about the vitamin D - but thought it was worth looking into.
I have 4 girls who are 2 years old, and 4 girls who are a year old.
They are fed Kalmbach non-GMO layer pellets. Actually, it was a Kalmbach article that had me considering vitamin D. I offer crushed oyster shell along with flaked oyster shell and eggshells on the side. Lots of options. One girl has been through a molt, so far. I may be wrong about the vitamin D - but thought it was worth looking into.
Will be interesting to see if it makes a difference. Be sure to update. :)

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