

Aug 15, 2020
I have 6 Rhode Island Reds and 2 Guineas. My question is they have all laid there first small eggs and I switched them over to Layer Crumbles, I also give them fruits, veggies and seeded bread. They haven't laid anymore solid eggs, I found 2 small eggs with no shell. Am I giving them to many fruits and veggies, should I cut back on that. I don't think they are eating enough layer crumbles. What do you think and what's my next step?
:welcome I'd cut back on the goodies. When changing feeds it is always best to do so gradually by adding increasing amounts of the new feed to their accustomed feed.
I did that for 5 days . I mixed equal parts of both feeds together. I appreciate your advise and will cut back on there goodies. Thanks for the help🐔

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