Eggbound with Lash Egg


7 Years
Sep 26, 2015
Portland OR
My 3 1/2 year old barred rock is "eggbound" with a lash egg and I can't seem to get it to move for her. I nosed into someone else's thread earlier today as it came up on a search but I figured I should start a separate one, so if this sounds familiar, that's why.

I know lash egg = infection = death sooner than we'd like. If I can't get relief for her, I will help her onto her happy hunting ground. In the meantime, she's otherwise doing well overall with the exception of the acute instance of the stuck lash egg- good weight, no ascities whatsoever at this point in time - will eat and drink, but is having problems when she goes to eliminate because the lash egg is restricting the vent. Things are making it out.

I feel like she could have quality of life if she were to pass the lash egg, otherwise I wouldn't pursue treatment.

Have done:

Extensive soaks in warm Epsom salt baths
Applied lubricant
Tried to go in after it- got a couple little chunks that confirmed it's not an actual egg - but couldn't get the bulk
Doses of calcium
Supporting with poultridrench as a precaution, along with fishmox done via tube to ensure the right dose was administered

What I'm looking for:
Ideas on how to help her pass the lash egg
Oh, this is a difficult one. Literally. Several of the things you've listed would be ones we would start with suggesting, unfortunately. All I would know to say is to keep tryig the same things, until it's ready to come out or close enough for you to get it out.

I wish I could remember the names of others on here this time of day. I could tag them and they'd know to come have a look.
Other than what you have tried, I don't know of any other. You can only see/feel the end of the lash egg. It is hard to know how large, or long, it is. Some lash eggs can be fairly small and will pass, others can be quite large and long. It's a possibility that it is simply too large to pass. Impaction/blockage with the matter that builds up is a real possibility with salpingitis, and is often the cause of death. I'm so sorry. I have treated with amoxicillin and enrofloxacin and have not had one recover. I have one that I think I may have caught early right now and am treating with clindamycin. She has rallied for now, time will tell if it's actually successful or not. I'm honestly not terribly optimistic, but am giving it a shot. If she is able to pass the lash egg somehow, then she may have some more time. It is a frustrating condition since there is so little that can be done for them. :hugs
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Oh, this is a difficult one. Literally. Several of the things you've listed would be ones we would start with suggesting, unfortunately. All I would know to say is to keep tryig the same things, until it's ready to come out or close enough for you to get it out.

I wish I could remember the names of others on here this time of day. I could tag them and they'd know to come have a look.
Other than what you have tried, I don't know of any other. You can only see/feel the end of the lash egg. It is hard to know how large, or long, it is. Some lash eggs can be fairly small and will pass, others can be quite large and long. It's a possibility that it is simply too large to pass. Impaction/blockage with the matter that builds up is a real possibility with salpingitis, and is often the cause of death. I'm so sorry. I have treated with amoxicillin and enrofloxaciin and have not had one recover. I have one that I think I may have caught early right now and am treating with clindamycin. She has rallied for now, time will tell if it's actually successful or not. I'm honestly not terribly optimistic, but am giving it a shot. If she is able to pass the lash egg somehow, then she may have some more time. It is a frustrating condition since there is so little that can be done for them. :hugs

Thank you both. I'll keep an eye out on this thread in case someone sees it and has tried something we haven't thought of.

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