Egg is yolk only, no white


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 27, 2011
My experienced hen, a light brahma, laid a very small egg yesterday. When I cracked it open, it contained only a yolk. I was expecting a "fart" egg", ( one with only white) but I have never heard of a yolk only egg. Has anyone else ever had this happen? What is the weirdest egg you've ever had?
I would love to see a picture of that!! There is a Weird Egg thread floating around, cant recall its name, but it has some insane pics of fart eggs and other mess ups. Try searching it......
I found a very small egg yesterday under the rose bush so I dont know which of my girls laid it. However, when I tapped it, it didnt sound quite right. When I broke it open there was only a yolk and no white. Curious. Can anyone shed any light on this. I have trawled the internet and can not find anything.

Many thanks
I had the same thing. So strange! It was a normal looking full sized egg though.

I had this happen to me! It was my Barred Rock's very first egg. I cracked it open to poach it for breakfast and the consistency was so weird. It'seems like all the egg white was really just water and the yolk was a regular small sized yolk. There was just a tiny amount of normal egg white. I was hesitant to eat it, but went ahead anyway. I'm glad I'm not the only one. She just laid another one like it today. It was cracked when I got to it though so I fed it to the dog. I'm hoping her eggs normalize soon. They've all been a bit weird. But she's only been laying for about a week, so I'm not TOO worried about it. I'm a first time chicken mama so I'm still learning all the ins and outs.
My experienced hen, a light brahma, laid a very small egg yesterday. When I cracked it open, it contained only a yolk. I was expecting a "fart" egg", ( one with only white) but I have never heard of a yolk only egg. Has anyone else ever had this happen? What is the weirdest egg you've ever had?
I cannot find the answers to this question in this post. Very frustrating. Wish I could have found the answer

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