Egg bound and has a big yellow growth sticking out of her vent


Mar 29, 2022
We took our sebright in to enter her for the fair today. She was pretty good earlier today but she started acting like she was laying an egg. Then we noticed her entire underside was wet and smelly. Instead of standing up and straining to push out the egg, she sat down and closed her eyes. She had a long Epsom salt bath and I gave her half a capsule (125 mg) of aqua mox mixed in wet food. She has a round yellow mass sticking out of her vent also. Open to advice and suggestions. She is not going to the fair
Could you get a picture of her vent?
It sounds like it could be a lash egg, so she would have salpingitis, which is inflammation of the oviduct.
What do you think the wetness under her was? What color was it?
How's her appetite? Is she pretty lethargic?
How old is she? Do you have, or can you get, some calcium citrate with Vitamin D? It's available in the vitamin section anywhere like Walmart, Walgreens, CVS, Dollar Store even, I believe. It will help her pass whatever it is. Just pull down on her wattles, she will open her beak, pop the pill in and she will swallow it no problem. @Wyorp Rock can tell you how many days to give it. I'm sorry she's having problems.
Could you get a picture of her vent?
It sounds like it could be a lash egg, so she would have salpingitis, which is inflammation of the oviduct.
What do you think the wetness under her was? What color was it?
How's her appetite? Is she pretty lethargic?
I agree, photos would be very helpful. It does sound like she may have lash material and infection.

Getting the Amoxicillin started was a good idea.

I would get extra Calcium into her, it can be given for a week.
Very lethargic. It is not a lash egg. She has had this growth for a while and it looks like it gets in the way of eggs sometimes. She still has not passed that egg. I have big calcium pills but she is a little bird.

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