EE won’t stop laying shell-less eggs

Oct 15, 2023
My one year old EE started laying shell less eggs a few months back I thought it was a calcium deficiency so I started giving her calcium pills everyday it’s been over a month now and nothing has improved. She still lays shell less eggs almost everyday. Is this bc of something else or am I just not giving her the right dose (she gets 300mg daily)?

Her diet is Purina layer crumbles, she has grit readily accessible, she eats and drinks normally, and she seems perfectly healthy otherwise.
Not sure if yours get treats but my hen, Ravioli gets this problem on a large scale when we give too many treats. She’ll even start laying 2 shell-less eggs a day and frequently become egg bound. Like you, I initially gave calcium pills with D3 for weeks thinking it’d help. It didn’t really make a difference, tho it helped IMO if she was egg bound. What did was keeping her on a strict no treat diet. Things improved within a week. When we go back to giving scratch or other treats besides her normal layer feed, things turn again for her. Instead of treats now I have started giving wet feed (mash) to them as a “treat” they love it and I know Ravioli is getting the nutrients she needs. They always have access to oyster shell and grit as yours do, too.

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