Our forecast was updated and it's supposed to get down to 8 degrees tomorrow. It got to 69 this afternoon. How's that for a temp change? Except I forgot to put the heater in my chickens' water so I'll have to haul water from the house. Yuck. The wind is gusting 60 mph right now and is supposed to continue for the rest of the week. Times like this I wonder why I wanted animals that live outdoors. The bright side is we are only supposed to get a few inches of snow, and all of that will blow away! I'm hoping Mother Nature is getting this out of her system and we'll have lovely weather for Halloween.
Happy Saturday! :p
After several days of temperatures in the eighties, the ground is suddenly white, and I don’t think we are getting back into the seventies again this year. Lows are all in the thirties. Kill me now. :th
I'm having trouble with keeping my bantams alive because I hatched too late in the year, again. :hmm
Of course you are. :lol:
If be fuming! Hopefully something can be done.... Soon!
I'm working on getting evidence against them. I've pretty much had it with them. Their cat got out and has made herself at home with my bunch of ferals. She got out day before yesterday and I'm making no moves to force her to go home. She's boney and food aggressive. I've taken to calling her Spawn. :lol:

This an apron we had at the store. It's mine now. :lol:

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