Eastern Tennessee Thread

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that photo above is a stock photo because itsthelaw was asking about getting the birds to drink from them. That photo above is like the first set up I had with PVC, but I ended up changing to all buckets. I finally decided on the 2 gallon heavy plastic buckets at TSC (trial and error with a # of different buckets and PVC set ups). Because I constantly have different aged birds in one coop I have 5 of these set up in a staggered height pattern. I use a 10 inch shelf bracket to hang them from. If I did not need the ability to stagger the height, I might make something a little more fancy, LOL

I'll take a pic this afternoon and share it.
Baby bunny pics (again)! Sorry for so many pics!

To anyone going to the Newport show.

What hatching eggs I collect between Halloween and Nov 9th. will be for private sell.
Due to the inconstancy in laying, I will not even attempt to guess how many there will be.

When I collect eggs for hatching they are marked with breed and date and
and stored in a 75 degree room on auto turner from a little giant incubator.

I will hopefully have some:
Rhode Island Red (always produce nice dark red color)
Dominecker ( Breed stock all took ribbons at the Sevierville show)
French Black Cooper Marans (from the Bev Davis line these eggs will be F3 )
Easter Eggers ( all my birds DO have both Tuffs and Beards, they however are mixed colors)

My breeders are as pure bred as you will find.
My breeds are all from old stock and not hatchery's.

PM me if you are interested.

I may have some other breeds available but will have to let you know on Monday if and what they are.
Not sure yet if I will be there to sell chickens or just do the private egg sells. But I WILL be there.
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Yay! I still have all my chickens after their first venture out to free range for awhile! I was soooo worried that they would spread out and wander off into the woods, but for the most part they stayed in a tight little chicken wad.
Right on cue at 7pm, they all started heading back to the coop. Apparently none of them liked walking across the driveway as each of them flew over it. Most of them went right back into the coop, but there were a couple that didn't remember how to get back in. They finally figured it out and to bed they all went.

A little nervous yesterday but everything went well!

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