Eastern Tennessee Thread

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It's good to see so many folks on an Thread dedicated to East TN!!!!

I'm in the Maryville area, have been a member of BYC for a couple of years, but haven't been on the site since back in the Summer. My kids have really gotten into showing hogs through the 4-H, so all the chicken chatter has taken a back seat. Hope everyone's have an excellent holiday; I look forward to checking back on this thread often now that I know you're out there.

Hey Justin, I grew up in Maryville on Morganton Road. Went to William Blount about 400 years ago.
WB grad myself (not quite 400 years ago, though). I'm over near Middlesettlements now. There are actually several folks from Blount County and Seymour on this site, or at least there were about this time last year. I've been raising my own chickens for about four years now. I started with the flock I inherited from my grandfather and it's just grown and grown. My four kids all raise chicks through 4-H each year and we raise RIR/Black sex-link and aussies for both eggs and meat.

I'm picking up about 8 Narragansett turkeys this weekend and I was reading up on them on the turkey thread. That's how I came across this thread.
Thanks bairo and tennesseeckn, that's the reason I love this board, there's always someone to help me when I'm not sure what direction to take.

To be honest, I hadn't given them scratch at all, so shew, I feel bad, I always read where there is not really any nutritional value in it so I guess I just chucked it up to something I wouldn't want to buy but my Dad ask me the other day if I was giving them any scratch and I told him no and then you both mentioned it. So I bought a bag today and threw some out to them and as you probably already know, they loved it. I always keep the Layena with a 1/4 ratio of BOSS out for them as much as they will eat with all the other things I mentioned added at different times but I will add morning and evening scratch and try the oatmeal.

I would try some of the things you've both suggested and see what I can do for my girls.
I have been really pleased with my nipple waterers so far. They have not frozen...even the ones outside did a little on the top and a few nipples where frozen. I just took a stick and tapped them and they broke free. I think my inside ones haven't cause I insulated the wall..which I am so glad I did. I still keep a regular waterer out because I have 2 older hens who have trouble finding the nipple bucket..surprisingly though most of the chickens still go to the nipple bucket. The only one problem I have had with them is a few of the hens want to fly and sit on them which ends up dumping them out. Gotta figure out how to remedy that.
Hey guys! It's been awhile. Been quite busy and haven't stopped by to lurk around.
I've got a problem I'm hoping some of you locals can help me out with. I got my starter flock from Bairo and I'm happy to report all the birds are healthy and growing well! I'm not so happy to report that I've got 4 that are crowing now.
They were all young, so hard (impossible) to tell when I got them. They have all gotten along until today. I knew I'd have to start finding homes for 3 of them and took one to my parents as a Christmas present. Not sure if they were too happy about it, but they will give it a good home with their small flock.

I have two roosters that started getting into it today. Surprisingly, it wasn't the most protective of his hens...it was the other two. I have one in a Rubbermade tote for the night and the other with the entire flock. I'm reaching out to all of you to see if anyone would like a healthy ~20 week old Welsummer over Delaware or a ~20 week old Welsomer over EE. I'll put pictures up soon...

I hate to get rid of 2 of them, but don't want any bloodshed either. If anyone could help out, I'll throw in some Purina Layena pellets mixed with some BOSS and scratch to go with it.

You can reach me on here or PM me. THANKS!!!!!!!

PS - the birds started with Bairo and I've kept them healthy and happy since then. They really are good birds....
I also have an EE cockerel if anyone is interested. He came from my summer hatch. He is red, gold, black: typical EE pattern. The hen & roo he came from carry the blue/green gene. And he is Free. If you want pics of either just let me know. thanks.
Randall.. Have you tried incubating yet? I'll get you some fertile eggs to make up for the roos you got. Or let me know what breed your interested in and I'll get you a couple chicks to make up for it
Rodney - you're too nice! Thanks, but you and I both know the luck of the draw wasn't anyting you could control. I appreciate the offer. I'm not incubating yet. Looking into it, but havn't done enough research to find the best method/tools to do it. I'll get some more hens after I find a good safe home for the two boys - Mary Kate and Sunday.
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