Easter Egger club!

Here's my three newest EE's. Hatched August 13 this year:

This is Heather.


And of course, Astrid.

Gwen chose a chicken too ("Sparkle") but her's is an SLW, not an EE.
What her lineage is is anyone's guess, I got them from Meyer, and hatcheries don't usually keep family trees. At least not for mutts like Easter Eggers. Maybe for their specialty versions, but not the regular ones. They are barely 13 weeks old, none of them have really developed significant combs yet

Sparkle is somewhat skittish, but they are all friendly birds. Astrid is showing herself to be the boldest so far.
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I went out to feed my girls this morning and only three came rushing to the gate. Heather wasn't among them. A short search found her curled up in the corner of the run, like she was asleep. Alas, she was not asleep. She had passed, I assume peacefully from her position and condition sometime last evening. All of them seemed healthy yesterday and the other three still do, so what killed her is anyone's guess. I just got finished burying her.
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I went out to feed my girls this morning and only three came rushing to the gate. Heather wasn't among them. A short search found her curled up in the corner of the run, like she was asleep. Alas, she was not asleep. She had passed, I assume peacefully from her position and condition sometime last evening. All of them seemed healthy yesterday and the other three still do, so what killed her is anyone's guess. I just got finished burying her.

I am so sorry for your loss. It's never easy. :hugs:hugs

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