Easter Egger club!

I'm sorry for your loss. And yes, birds experience loss and have emotion. My EE rooster lost his best buddy last Christmas and the whole flock was in a funk for about a month. Unfortunately the rooster during that time developed a bad habit of crowing incessantly looking for his friend and now crows every waking moment until he's hoarse. He even sleep-crows. It's pathetic :( We've got pullets we're raising for him in the hopes that they'll keep him busy and maybe give him new purpose. He's been really good with them, and actually doesn't crow when he's babysitting! He fluffs his feathers and makes mama hen clucking sounds and the littles climb all over him. So hopefully!
So my teeny peeps have gotten much bigger since I last posted! They're still peeping for the most part (although one or two of them make pathetic honking noises instead of clucking when upset over something) and a couple of nights ago I started putting them in the coop with the big girls. They caught on to roosting far quicker than I thought they would, here's a picture of two of them, Cheetara and Tripley (I saw that someone else has a Cheetara on this thread! Too funny!) doing their best feathered dumpling impression.

As you can see, there's some color difference in them, although all of them are chesnut undertones. Two have black muffs, one has a brown muff, and Tripley there is the same color chesnut as the rest of herself, while Cheetara is blond. I'll have to get a good picture of all the peeps together.
I don't have to protect against any wild critters except hawks because of the 3 dogs but I do have to protect the chickens from 2 of the dogs so we laid the welded fencing along the ground 18 inches before continuing it up the walls of the run. We also covered the entire top with the wire fencing. We then wrapped the bottom in poultry net to keep their heads in since a stray piece of grass could entice a chicken head out and I have a horrible fear of them getting their head ripped off from my quick moving dogs.

It's breaking my heart...we took her out of her coop and put her in the baby pen we set up and she wandered lethargically over to where the rooster, her best buddy, was taken...
aaaww :hugs I'm soo sorry for you both! Poor girl missing her buddy!:( I would have to bring her in for some cuddling and time in my lap! Not sure it would help her but at least she could have some extra special attention!?
Yes I agree! I brought her in and keep giving her all the special attention! Loving her and cuddling her! She ate quite a bit yesterday and drank on her own but today she's not eating or drinking, just lying down with her legs out. One more day until she gets new buddies! I really hope it helps her chickie depression. I'm getting 2 silkies along with 3 blue wheaton ameraucana's. Never had a silkie before. I hope they get along with my chickens.
I figured I needed to update my weekly pics, if not to share with the EE world, at least for me to keep a record.

Sophia, 4 weeks old:

Dorothy, 5 weeks old: (she is looking wildly fierce here, haha)

Rose, 12 weeks:
Yes I agree! I brought her in and keep giving her all the special attention! Loving her and cuddling her! She ate quite a bit yesterday and drank on her own but today she's not eating or drinking, just lying down with her legs out. One more day until she gets new buddies! I really hope it helps her chickie depression. I'm getting 2 silkies along with 3 blue wheaton ameraucana's. Never had a silkie before. I hope they get along with my chickens.
aaww! I'm sure any company at this point will be welcomed by her! Poor girl!!! We have silkies they can be real lovers but they can be kinda flighty sometimes too! They don't seem to have a mean bone in their little bodies though!! Best of luck hope she perks up soon!!! :hugs
I figured I needed to update my weekly pics, if not to share with the EE world, at least for me to keep a record. :p Sophia, 4 weeks old: [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] Dorothy, 5 weeks old: (she is looking wildly fierce here, haha) Rose, 12 weeks:
they seriously just get more and more beautiful!! Wooow!
I figured I needed to update my weekly pics, if not to share with the EE world, at least for me to keep a record.

Sophia, 4 weeks old:

Dorothy, 5 weeks old: (she is looking wildly fierce here, haha)

Rose, 12 weeks:

Your birds are so pretty! Dorothy is having quite a "hair day". Love it! lol She kinda has a medusa look going on. Can't wait to see how she feathers out. :) She looks a lot like my Eleanor at that age. I plan to go get some updated pics later today.
Yes I agree! I brought her in and keep giving her all the special attention! Loving her and cuddling her! She ate quite a bit yesterday and drank on her own but today she's not eating or drinking, just lying down with her legs out. One more day until she gets new buddies! I really hope it helps her chickie depression. I'm getting 2 silkies along with 3 blue wheaton ameraucana's. Never had a silkie before. I hope they get along with my chickens.

You may be tempted to immediately put new chicks with her but you do have to quarantine the new birds for 2 or 3 weeks before mixing them together. I've had new juveniles that have arrived with lice, cocci, worms, CRD, etc, and was glad I took the precautions to quarantine before introducing to my established birds.

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