Easter Egger club!

Got a stupid question for anyone....
hatched out some chicks a couple of weeks ago, one chick that is white I thought was a White Rock, is now getting puffy checks, she DID NOT have up until now. Is it possible for an EE to " grow into " the puffy checks, or do I have something weird going on with my chick? I thought EE all were born with the puffy??
If it is a EE that is great cause I am always trying to hatch EE's ( have the worst luck with them ) I can hatch all the other eggs fine, but EE give me fits!!
For sure! one of my EE's came from the feed store at a couple few days old with a little muff, no beard and the other was clean shaven. The one that started with a little muff grew a wizard worthy beard and muff. The other has a moderate muff and little beard.
Quote: 2 od my EE have definite muffs and beards, 1 of my EE only has a little beard going on, and the other one I have has no muff or beard. I think when it might depend on what characteristics of the mixed breeds decide to come through maybe. I was sold mine as Ameraucanas, of course I was duped. They are all beautiful, but they are all on the small side compared to my other hens.
These are mine, taken last week (before I moved them outside):

Bubbles, can't really see but she has just a little beard, not much though

Genesis, really doesn't have anything

Quail, beard and muff

Tiny, beard and a little muffing
2 od my EE have definite muffs and beards, 1 of my EE only has a little beard going on, and the other one I have has no muff or beard. I think when it might depend on what characteristics of the mixed breeds decide to come through maybe. I was sold mine as Ameraucanas, of course I was duped. They are all beautiful, but they are all on the small side compared to my other hens.

Thanks for the info Chickmomma03. My 2 clean faced pullets, 8-10 wks. old started out smaller than my other pullets and these 2 are staying noticeably smaller. One is solid gold, the other looks to have copper marans because her feet have feathers. Only time will tell, I guess. They are very sweet.
These are mine, taken last week (before I moved them outside):

Bubbles, can't really see but she has just a little beard, not much though

Genesis, really doesn't have anything

Quail, beard and muff

Tiny, beard and a little muffing
I have a EE pullet that looks JUST like your Genesis!

Awww so awesome! There is a funny story behind Genesis's arrival. My son and his father went to go get this batch (all my chicks were my mother's day gift, had to wait for these little ones to arrive). They came back with 4 tiny little peeps in a box. 4 little brown ones! He says "sorry, all I could get was 4 chicks, I got the last 4 they had". I am working on putting them into the brooder and my son's father says "I left my wallet in the van, can you go get it please" so I go outside to the van (thinking to myself, now why couldn't he go get it, I was busy, whatever, just go get it). I am searching everywhere he would have put it, not finding his wallet. I am thinking $hit, either he has it or left it at the store. So I'm sitting in the driver's seat trying to think, and all of a sudden I hear "chirp chirp" and I'm like what the heck, that was REALLY close, doubt that was outside. Again "chirp chirp". Ok, something isn't right, where is this chirp coming from? I look down on the floorboard and there is a box that I had overlooked (I didn't look there for the wallet because it shouldn't have been there, he has specific spots he puts it, plus my son rode in the front on the way back, my son has autism and HATES things touching him). I peek into the box and there is ONE little yellow chick!

He was playing a prank on me, I have this thing where I can't STAND odd numbers. It's totally an OCD thing. I had 7 chicks already (2 black, 2 buff, 2 golden, 1 white, had 2 white but sweetie passed at 3wks), and the 4 he carried in would have made 11. So, he knew this would "upset the balance". I tried to play it kewl, but internally my OCD was kicking in and I was like, I can't have 11 chicks, I can't have 11 chicks, not right, have to fix this. So, it was just awesome when I found the 12th chick, I breathed a sigh of relief. Not only that, but I only had ONE white chicken, and it had been driving me nuts for weeks. I told him I needed another white chicken, so getting this little yellow peep who has turned into a beautiful white chick was important too. Now I need to get one more that matches my little black and brown ones and everything will be good

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