Easter Egger club!

QUESTION....so i would like to develop my own type of ee....is it easy to breed out a color...i like the ones im getting right now...and would like to get rid of the brown ee birds...to make a lighter colored ee....is this possible...or will they always thro the different colors....i also am getting solid blue ee.....and i have no blue eeers.....where did that come from....same thing with the silver laced...i dont have any...and then now after incubating i have both...any thoughts

The blue could becoming from your EE's parents? They are caring a gene and then they give it to their hatchlings? For your best bet at a lighter EE I would try taking your lightest EEs and putting them with a wheat Ameraucana. This would help for body type and keeping the blue/green egg going. That is what I'm trying with my EE's taking the color I like then mixing in Ameraucana that has close to the same to keep the body type and blue/green eggs. It should be fun to see how it works out :)
Ok, so it's been a few weeks since I posted these guys. Probably still too early, but it's driving me crazy!!!! Who knew buying straight run required so much patience! Someone please tell me I don't have all roosters! Here are pics, and my {uneducated} guesses. Opinions are appreciated!
#1 roo?


#2 roo?


#3 pullet?


#4 pullet?


#5 pullet?


#6 pullet?

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Ok, so it's been a few weeks since I posted these guys. Probably still too early, but it's driving me crazy!!!! Who knew buying straight run required so much patience! Someone please tell me I don't have all roosters! Here are pics, and my {uneducated} guesses. Opinions are appreciated!
#1 roo?

#2 roo?

#3 pullet?

#4 pullet?

#5 pullet?

#6 pullet?

Ok, so it's been a few weeks since I posted these guys. Probably still too early, but it's driving me crazy!!!! Who knew buying straight run required so much patience! Someone please tell me I don't have all roosters! Here are pics, and my {uneducated} guesses. Opinions are appreciated!
#1 roo?

#3 pullet?

#4 pullet?

#5 pullet?

#6 pullet?

^ All look like pullets but it's a little soon to tell for sure.
I have to share my joy
after a month of waiting I finally got 4 day old EE pullets, of course I may have to go back for more before they're sold out
, each one is so different in color, 2 chipmunk pattern but one is very yellow compared to the other, one is red and brown, one is black with 2 faint white stripes and a yellow face, all have very fluffy cheeks and fluffy bodies, they're so adorable. Of course they were being sold as aracaunas, but they have green legs and look like EEs to me. I really may have to go back and add a few more girls, I'm really looking forward to watching them grow and feather. Since I have a smaller flock and my other regular size chicks are a lot older, I think I'll let them live with my 7 silkies, once they're old enough right now the silkies are actually bigger than the EEs.

Yeah! I'm happy for you! I bought four 'pullets' earlier in the spring. They are so cute....well one is a RIR and three are EE's. However, my EE Helga turned into Julio! I'm waiting to hear him crow. I'm hoping to keep him if he and Joe can get along.....but in the past week he has pecked at me a time or two....nothing drastic, but he won't stay if he gets too pecky.

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