Easter Egger club!

My hens go after the cats!  My EE rooster was the best.  He died fighting off a predator, but we have three of his cockerels to replace him.  I don't know if you can "retrain" a rooster to behave unless it is still very young.  We have one now that is abusing the hens.  He is still young so I'm hoping he out-grows the phase he is in.  If not, he will be someone's dinner.   There are lots of other roosters out there looking for homes if you want another!    ;)

Vpatt (my quote feature isn't working) - Statistically, if you cross an Olive egger with a brown layer like a Dominique, you have a 50% chance of the offspring laying green eggs.  The other half will lay brown eggs.  (and half of all those will be cockerels).

Our first blue egg!! It is absolutely gorgeous!

Congrats! It's a beauty.
Hola gang, some of you I know from the EE bragger thread, I never knew about this thread. Anyway we have 5 EE in our mixed flock. They are all about 9 months old and all lay eggs in blue/green shades. We have four with a muff and beard and one clean faced EE. Here is a little collage I did so I won't post a ton of pictures.


I was so worried about my dachshund going after mine and she did once when they were younger but now she won't go outside when they are out unless I'm with her. She's so funny if she gets farther away from me and they get between her and the door or if we head out and they come running to me. She suddenly decides she doesn't need out quite so badly.

My cat has gotten cornered a few times, herself!  Suits her right for trying to nap in the nesting boxes.

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