Easter Egger club!

Beautiful eggs!! ^ LOVE the color! Question: how come you have them point up?


I never caught that.. I know why I did in my picture.

I use my grandkids water color pens to mark the date they were hatched on the fat end.  I figure if water colors are safe for kids to suck on they should not hurt the eggs.

When I took my picture it was for craigslist to sell them so I turned the eggs upside down so I could use the picture forever on craigslist.

Now the question is why did mymilliefleur have hers upside down!>!!!
I'm a newbie, even though I come from a long family of farmers. However, they have all passed. I did do it to look pretty but had no idea it's a no no. How come? I'm really interested! Especially because I have a few I am hoping to go broody. My bantams, When that time comes I will do more research but had no idea they shouldn't be faced up quite interesting!! Please give me details and my rock lays almost a round egg. How do I lay hers in container? I feel like a dummy
I'm a newbie, even though I come from a long family of farmers. However, they have all passed. I did do it to look pretty but had no idea it's a no no. How come? I'm really interested! Especially because I have a few I am hoping to go broody. My bantams, When that time comes I will do more research but had no idea they shouldn't be faced up quite interesting!! Please give me details and my rock lays almost a round egg. How do I lay hers in container? I feel like a dummy

I think they are "stood" pointy side down because the air sac is on the blunt end and with the blunt end up the air sac will not migrate.

I have a Black Australorp that lays a perfectly round egg too. I have no idea if I have it right side up or not and I do not care enough to candle it and find out every time... If I was going to hatch them I would candle them. Mine will be eaten within a week.
I think they are "stood" pointy side down because the air sac is on the blunt end and with the blunt end up the air sac will not migrate.

I have a Black Australorp that lays a perfectly round egg too. I have no idea if I have it right side up or not and I do not care enough to candle it and find out every time... If I was going to hatch them I would candle them. Mine will be eaten within a week.
I also have a black Australorp. She's still young. 16 weeks, when did your lady start laying? I love ours she's actually my favorite! My lap lady. What a calm good personality !

If I wanted to save my EE eggs to hatch with a broody. How would I store them? And how long can I store them with out them going bad? I have a EE rooster and 4 EE's among many other breeds. I only want to breed the single comb EE. I would use my bantam and I assume it wouldn't be tell spring.
Here is a picture of our EE rooster[ he has black spots on his chestIMG]https://www.backyardchickens.com/content/type/61/id/6649176/width/200/height/400[/IMG]here is another pic of him with a few hens the one on left is a EE but I don't want to breed her cause her comb, she lays off white eggs my others are single comb. They lay blue/ light green eggs those girls will get a new picture tomorrow.
Had to share
the top one Lucy lays the off white. She's the one I won't breed even though she has a great personality!
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you know if you was to breed your boy to your EE i bet you would get light green eggs, from the pullets, because your boy has the pea comb which i believe is closely linked to the blue egg gene, and is dominant over single combed birds. so you would get some hens that laid colored eggs and had pea combs. ;)
you know if you was to breed your boy to your EE i bet you would get light green eggs, from the pullets, because your boy has the pea comb which i believe is closely linked to the blue egg gene, and is dominant over single combed birds. so you would get some hens that laid colored eggs and had pea combs. ;)
So then maybe Lucy would work? I will take pictures of the other hens tomorrow with a close up of combs. I would be interested to hear which hen you guys would suggest.

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