Easter Egger club!

Our power is out so I had to pack the crew up and take them to work. Probably going to get in trouble for this one, but if it makes a difference to the babies it is worth it. I set up a temporary brooder behind my recycling bin. The poor chicks have had a rough morning and just now settled down for a nap.

Poor things! I just saw the news about the snow storm that has power out and sounds so bad out west. I'm guessing that is what it is from? Here in PA, it's just cold outside, no snow yet thank gosh!
I have 5 EE's. one laying a white egg, another laying a brown . I'm still waiting on the other 3. I so want a blue or green egg! My question is. Do EE's have a tendocy to lay oblong eggs instead of the rounder ones?
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Curious if your roo ever came home??
Angie, one of mine does, but the other EE lays a more typical pointed end & a rounded end.
my RIR lay pretty round eggs, so does my rock. Seems like my EE's are laying more oval. I guess it would be hard to tell every EE is so different considering they are so mixed. One out of 5 of my EE's looks like a meat bird . Very big girl the others are much smaller, slimmer like layers not meat chickens. If anyone else has experience with different shaped eggs from there EE's I would love to hear about them or see a picture of EE's egg compared to other breeds.
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They seem to be doing pretty good considering they had a cold night under a towel and some hot water bottles. Then they spent an hour in the truck in a tiny box (for warmth). Someone at work already dropped a plastic file on them, but I think they are fine. Power is supposed to be out until Friday, so I might have to come put with Plan C for tomorrow.
how about hot hands hand warmers?
Oh. :( I am sooooo sorry to hear that!!! I can't imagine! I was hoping I had missed something in a post stating he came home since I had a lot to catch up on and I was trying to do it from my phone.

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